Sustainability in the Leather Supply Chain

Standard Rate: USD370


This training course focuses on the key aspects of leather and sustainability such as animal welfare, deforestation, exotic materials, chemical risk, and environmental impact. Attendees will gain an understanding of the potential risks to businesses, which is ideal for those who work in the leather industry, or sell leather articles, to manage risk and make informed business decisions.

Duration: 3 hrs

Access: 14 days

Courses Highlights

  • Raw Materials Challenges

    Leather sustainability is inherently related to the sourcing of raw hides and skins, and it is important that organisations understand the key sustainability challenges associated with raw materials, and how such practices can be avoided.

  • Chemicals and Restricted Substances

    Delegates will learn about the need for chemical management within the leather industry and will explore how this relates to restricted substances.

  • Waste and End-of-Life

    Delegates will learn about the importance of waste and end-of-life considerations to leather sustainability.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • What does 'sustainable' mean?

    • Sustainable Business Practices

  • 2

    Overview of the Leather Industry

    • Sensitivities and Risks in the Leather Industry

    • Most industries have sustainability risks

    • Market Trends and Drivers in the Leather Industry

    • The Leather Supply Chain

    • Leather Types & Sources

  • 3

    Raw Material Challenges

    • Deforestation

    • Animal Welfare

    • Farming Impacts

    • Leather as a By-product of the Meat Industry

  • 4

    Inputs and Outputs of the Leather Making Process

    • Overview of the Leather Making Process

    • Leather Lifecycle Analysis (LCA)

  • 5

    Environmental Impacts and the Leather Working Group

    • Environmental Impacts and the Leather Working Group

  • 6

    Chemicals and Restricted Substances

    • Chemicals and Restricted Substances

  • 7

    Market Drivers and Sustainability Risks

    • Modern Slavery

    • Consumer Trends

    • Critical Area - Kanpur

    • Traceability

  • 8

    Waste and End of Life

    • Waste and End of Life

  • 9


    • Conclusion

How to Enroll on a Course or Webinar

Follow these steps to enrol in a course or webinar: 

1. Create an account
Click here to create an account. 

2. Enroll in a course
Select the course you are interested to take and click “Enroll Now” 

3. Payment
Go through the payment process. Our team will enrol you on the course. You will receive an email from us within 2 days confirming your enrolment and you may begin your course.

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